Landhaussaal Tirol

Tradition meets innovation

Tradition meets innovation

Bartenbach has implemented an impressive artificial lighting design in the historical context of the Landhaussaal Tirol in Innsbruck in close cooperation with Artluce. This ambitious project is characterized by the harmonious integration of modern lighting technology into a historically protected landmark building and gives the room a unique atmosphere.

The Landhaussaall in Innsbruck is an important historical building that meets special requirements for monument protection. The challenge was to create a contemporary lighting solution that would preserve the historic integrity of the space. This is where the expertise of Bartenbach and Artluce came into play in order to implement a tailor-made lighting design.

The artificial lighting design was carefully tailored to the architectural and aesthetic requirements of the Landhaussaal. This was not only about functional lighting, but also about creating a pleasant and representative atmosphere. The lighting experts from Bartenbach and Artluce knew how to emphasize the historical elements of the room and at the same time use modern lighting technology to create the desired lighting mood.

A key challenge was to use the latest LED technology to complement and support the historic environment. Through precise positioning and innovative lighting control, a balanced illumination has been achieved, which makes the room look alive and draws the eye to the historical details. The colour temperature of the light has also been carefully chosen to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that enhances the character of the Landhaussaal.

The close cooperation between Bartenbach and Artluce made it possible to reconcile the requirements of monument protection with modern lighting solutions. The lighting design in the Landtag Hall in Innsbruck is an excellent example of how lighting design and monument protection can go hand in hand to create a space that is both functionally and aesthetically impressive. The successful implementation of this project demonstrates Bartenbach and Artluce's ability to use light as a creative design element in historic settings.

Different lighting moods

Thanks to the sophisticated lighting design, the Landhausssaal can not only be experienced in its historic splendor but can also be adapted for a wide variety of purposes.

The flexible lighting solutions make it possible to adapt the atmosphere in the hall according to needs and occasions. Whether it is for official political events, cultural events or private celebrations – the lighting design can be easily adapted to the respective requirements. This versatility makes the Landtag Hall a multifunctional space that combines historic elegance with modern adaptability, making it suitable for a wide range of uses.


Light Knowledge

Get more lighting knowledge from Bartenbach in the areas of lighting design, research and development, model making, lighting simulations and much more.


Contact person

Andreas Danler
Senior Consultant

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