ÖBB train station Feldkirch

Arrive and leave in the best light

More than just a point of transit

Whether by train, bus, bike, or car sharing, the newly opened ÖBB Feldkirch railway station is an important mobility hub in the Vorarlberg region. Almost 16,000 people use the area every day – and the trend is rising. Nevertheless, the Feldkirch station wants to be more than just a place of passage: Conceived as a literary station, with a lighting design by Bartenbach, the site invites you to linger.

Bartenbach's state-of-the-art lighting solution showcases striking building features, such as the conventionalized clock above the entrance, creates a pleasant atmosphere and ensures safety and orientation with uniformly lit corridors, stairwells and waiting areas. An optimal symbiosis of functionality and aesthetics.

Illuminated clock as a timekeeper above the entrance

Catching a train often means being in a hurry: "Am I still on time?" – The large, illuminated clock above the main entrance of the ÖBB Feldkirch station gives passengers an answer to their anxious questions. The conventionalized look of the dial and hands not only gives visitors precise orientation, but also enhances the overall aesthetics of the entrance. Expressive façade lighting gives the station a friendly atmosphere and welcomes travelers.

Stopping point at a busy place

The interior of the building is entirely in the tradition of the "Literature Station". In a sophisticated way, it succeeds in combining contemporary design with the rich history of the station. The space invites you to explore literary works that tell of thematically appropriate subjects such as travel, wanderlust, intimacy, and distance. Poems and texts by authors from Vorarlberg, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Germany create an inspiring atmosphere that invites visitors to immerse themselves in the world of the written word. A stop in the hustle and bustle of this place.

Literary meeting place with an inspiring atmosphere

Bartenbach's lighting concept for the "Literature Station" enables optimal reading and perception of small print. It also emphasizes the social character of the place and encourages immersion and exchange in a pleasant atmosphere. Clever lighting accents underline its unique identity as a literary meeting place and facilitate emotional access to the works on display.

From a faceless hub to an individual place of experience

Tradition and innovation. Travel and linger. Safety and atmosphere. Bartenbach can get to the heart of the different functional and emotional requirements of the Feldkirch station with a coherent lighting concept. In this way, the site is transformed from a mere place of passage into a social meeting place, from a faceless hub to an individual place of experience. Arrive and take off – in the best light.

Light Knowledge

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Contact person

Richard Knapp
Senior Consultant

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