Silvretta Therme Ischgl

A bright oasis of relaxation in the heart of the Alps

Artfully designed sauna landscapes, an adventure pool with jacuzzi and outdoor pools with a panoramic view of the Alps: Bartenbach has created a magical lighting ambience for the exclusive wellness oasis Silvretta Therme in Ischgl, which embeds the building perfectly in the alpine landscape. To achieve this, the Bartenbach team combines natural and artificial lighting elements to create a harmonious lighting concept – a consistent commitment to sustainable lighting design in an energy-saving building. The coordinated lighting concept seamlessly guides those seeking relaxation through the various rooms, promotes a feeling of calm and contributes to an unforgettable stay.

A building like a cloud

Organic shape, champagne-colored exterior façade, elegant appearance: The Silvretta Therme in Ischgl, which opened in 2022, reflects impressions and moods from the surrounding area - and thus blends perfectly into the Tyrolean mountain landscape. "A silver cloud gets caught on the edges of the slopes of the alpine valley," is how KRIEGER architects and engineers formulated the architectural concept of the remarkable building. A unique adventure landscape has been created around the element of water. From the ice-skating rink to steam saunas and swimming pools of all kinds - the leisure landscape offers locals and guests alike a multifaceted offer.

Liquid, solid, gaseous: water in various forms

Thanks to a water surface of more than 1,000 square meters, swimmers of all ages are never short on choice: would you prefer a 25-meter pool for sports swimmers, an adventure pool with a whirlpool tower or an infinity pool with a panoramic view of the Tyrolean Alps? If you like it warm and steamy, visit the 1,500 square meter sauna area which has a mountain herbal sauna, panorama sauna, plunge pool, Kneipp facility, infrared cabins and a snow cave. The element "ice" provides a connecting framework for the entire building complex: an ice-skating rink with a 250-meter-long tunnel surrounds the thermal baths. Restaurants, bars and event rooms complete the offer.

Playing with colors and materials

The task for Bartenbach's lighting designers was to harmoniously connect the different building zones, to guide visitors intuitively through the rooms, and to create a relaxing and inspiring atmosphere. Added to this was the desire for daylight-based planning that makes optimum use of natural light – and thus do justice to the sustainable construction of the entire building. The lighting concept of the Silvretta Therme is based on an intelligent color scheme: the lower rooms with swimming pools and bathing pools are dominated by cool shades of blue and green that invigorate, refresh, and soothe. On the higher floors and in the sauna areas, the light underlines the warm, earthy tones – and thus contributes to a harmonious and relaxing room atmosphere in which visitors can easily forget their everyday lives. Whether glass, concrete or stone:

As an architectural "cloud" whose exterior façade picks up on the lighting mood of the surroundings, the Silvretta Therme blends naturally into the Alpine landscape of Ischgl. Bartenbach's lighting concept also plays with this connection between inside and outside, between daylight and artificial light: the foyer is equipped with large glass windows that create a connection to the outside world and let in daylight. The event hall is at the heart of the project: it also has floor-to-ceiling glass windows that offer a view of the surrounding nature.

Als architektonische „Wolke“, deren Außenfassade die Lichtstimmung der Umgebung aufgreift, fügt sich die Silvretta Therme ganz natürlich in die Alpenlandschaft Ischgls ein. Auch das Lichtkonzept von Bartenbach spielt mit dieser Verbindung von Innen und Außen, von Tages- und Kunstlicht: So ist das Foyer mit großen Glasfenstern ausgestattet, die den Bezug zur Außenwelt herstellen und Tageslicht hereinlassen. Der Veranstaltungssaal ist ein Herzstück des Projekts: Auch er verfügt über bodentiefe Glasfenster, die den Blick auf die umgebende Natur freigeben. 

Lighting control creates atmosphere

Behind the recurring internal-exterior reference is not only the idea of locating the building in the spectacular Tyrolean Alpine landscape. Rather, it is also about energy efficiency: daylight serves as a natural light source. Artificial light is used as a complementary element and creates the desired lighting moods. For this purpose, the Silvretta Therme are equipped with a comprehensive lighting control system: from soft, warm tones to cool light, a wide variety of room scenarios can be set with the help of touch panels.

Flexible use of the hall, a variety of lighting scenes

"Tunable White" makes it possible to adjust the lighting moods on site and create the desired atmosphere - for example in the central hall of the spa. Based on the Bartenbach lighting design, projectors were installed there, which offer a variety of lighting scenes and illuminate the event room in a changeable way. From atmospheric concerts to concentrated lectures – the right light for every event. Partitions make it possible to divide the hall into separate areas. In this way, the environment can be optimally adapted to the needs of the guests. Maximum flexibility for a diverse, future-proof use of space.

Silvretta Therme Ischgl

Varied illuminated pools and saunas

The atmospheric lighting and the skillful connection between indoor and outdoor areas is also continued into the sauna and bathing areas. Large panoramic windows, breathtaking views, and seamless transitions: The open architecture of the spa allows guests to easily switch between indoor and outdoor. Whether sunlit meadows or snow-covered slopes: The infinity pool can be accessed directly from the sauna - and offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountain landscape. The illuminated pools are equipped with RGB LEDs. Sometimes dark blue, sometimes purple, they set impressive accents and create an appealing and immersive atmosphere. The saunas are also illuminated with special care. Whether it's a mountain herb sauna or an organic stone pine sauna, each theme has its own light scene, which atmospherically underlines the respective leitmotif.

Light for young and old

The Silvretta Therme also offers adventure and inspiration for families with children. In order to stimulate the imagination of the youngest visitors, Bartenbach has planned an illuminated constellation of the Big Dipper on the ceiling of the swimming area. The children's area is carefully designed with different light scenes to adapt the space to the needs and preferences of the young guests. A shallow pool with a slide and water feature appeals to young swimmers.

Harmonious overall impression: from spa to dining restaurant

For a uniform impression of space, Bartenbach has also sensitively illuminated the traffic areas of the Silvretta Therme. This creates a coherent, uninterrupted overall experience. Rooms and corridors are generously designed and give guests a feeling of space. Decorative elements give the impression that visitors are in a hotel. In the trattoria on the ground floor, the lighting on the ceiling creates an inviting atmosphere. Adjustable light scenes make it possible to illuminate the restaurant to suit the time of day and occasion. The rear part of the building was also equipped with high-quality light according to Bartenbach's plans. A bridge serves as a seamless connection between the two components.

Auch der rückwärtige Gebäudeteil wurde mit hochwertigem Licht nach den Plänen von Bartenbach ausgestattet. Eine Brücke dient als nahtlose Verbindung zwischen den beiden Bauteilen.

Unique light for a vivid experience

Creating atmosphere and gently guiding visitors through the building: With the lighting concept for the Silvretta Therme, Bartenbach not only makes a direct contribution to the success of the exclusive wellness oasis. The lighting designers have also created an impressive symbiosis of light, color and space, thus laying the foundation for unforgettable live experiences. Whether in the water, in the sauna steam or on the ice rink – Moments you won't forget.

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Richard Knapp
Senior Consultant

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